Jumuah prayers resumption at ICB

Assalamualaikum, Alhamdulillah,
Jumuah prayers will be restarted at ICB from September 18th Inshaa Allah.

There are 40 spots available for sign up, please reserve your spot at the following link: http://www.bouldermuslims.com/jumuah-signup

As there is an increasing trend of Boulder county and CU Boulder COVID cases, it is extremely important that we continue to follow all the safety guidelines and precautions. Please stay home if you have any form of sickness or if you think you have been exposed to anyone with a positive case. Also please report positive cases to ICB as per the reporting protocol detailed below.

May Allah protect all of us. Aameen.
Additional Resources on Covid-19:

Symptoms of Coronavirus:

COVID-19 Testing

Boulder County Testing Resources:

COVID-19 Testing