Eid Al-Adha on Saturday, July 9th

Assalamu alaykum!
On behalf of the Islamic Center of Boulder, we would like to invite you, your family, and friends to join us for Eid Al-Adha on Saturday, July 9th at the Islamic Center of Boulder.
Insha’Allah, Eid Prayer will be at 8 AM, followed by the Eid Khutbah, and then a potluck breakfast.
Please signup to provide food: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050f4dadab2ea6fa7-eiduladha
Please bring two trays of food; one for the Brothers side and one for the Sister’s size.
We would love to see you there to celebrate Eid together!
Jazak Allahu Khayran.

Start of Dhul Hijjah 1443

The Colorado Imam Council is happy to announce the start of Dhul Hijjah Thursday June 30th, with the day of Arafah being Friday July 8th and Eid Al Adha being Saturday July 9th. May Allah accept from you and us all.

Ramadan 1443/2022

Ramadan Mubarak!

The Colorado Imam Council in collaboration with the Masajid of Colorado announces Ramadan to be on Saturday, Ramadan 1st, 1443, April 2nd, 2022 since the new moon has been seen in three countries following Moonsighting.

May Allah accept from us and you our good deeds. Ameen.

Taraweeh will be after Isha at the Boulder Masjid.

Daily Prayers

Assalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

As of September 2021, ICB is open for all 5 daily prayers, Inshaa Allah.
Please note the below important points:

Practice all safety precautions as before – Wear mask, socks, make wudu from home, check your temperature at the front door,  maintain social distancing.
✓ Masjid will be closed between the prayers for security reasons.
✓ Insha’Allah, all prayers will follow times found at: http://www.bouldermuslims.com/prayer-time/
May Allah accept from all of us and keep all of us safe and healthy.

Summer Camp 2021

Assalamu Alaikum,

Islamic Center of Boulder presents – Summer Camp 2021
In Shaa Allah on Sunday 1st of August 2021
From 10.30 AM – 1.00 PM

Interactive activity sessions, story time and games!

Register at https://forms.gle/c4tXLy7gGyGXePJA7

For more information +1 717 590 0076
5495 Baseline Rd, Boulder, CO 80303