Islamic Center of Boulder is Closing Until Further Notice

Asslamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,

On March 13, in light of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, we announced that the Islamic Center of Boulder will not be holding any congregational prayers.

Due to the enormity of the fast-moving situation and the latest enforcement of Stay at Home orders by the City of Boulder, Denver, and many other areas across Colorado, effective today March 24, 2020 ICB management has decided to completely lock down the Islamic Center of Boulder until further notice.

Only certain essential staff of ICB will be allowed to enter the premises.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

We all need to support each other within the ICB community and around the communities in which we live. We can smile at one another, reach out online or by phone, put up a sign in your yard with kind and hopeful words, and we can still pray.
Please stay connected! Reach out to your Imam, Sheikh Shoaib, for wisdom and for learning and for companionship. Reach out to one another and do not leave anyone behind. Remember those who live alone. Check on each other. Most of us have extra time do this now.

May Allah (SWT) bless and protect us, and bring this difficult time to an quick end.


ICB Management Team

Daily Congregational Prayers Canceled

Assalamu alaikkum,
All daily congregational prayers at the Islamic Center of Boulder have been canceled until further notice.

The masjid will be open from Duhr time to Isha time for those who wish to come in and pray individually.

There will be NO FAJR PRAYER for now; the masjid will be closed at that time.

This is the best decision can make in the worst of times to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Let’s stay as connected as we can right now and trust in Allah (SWT).  Reach out to those who may need help with food, medications, or childcare.  Some of our most vulnerable are not safe in public spaces, and there are some grocery items that are scarce right now.

May Allah (SWT) keep us in good health and our hearts peaceful.

Jumu’ah cancelled until further notice.

Assalamu Alaikum,

After much discussion and thoughtful deliberation the Islamic Center of Boulder’s Shoura and Imam have made the difficult decision to cancel Jumu’ah prayer, starting tomorrow, March 13, until further notice.

The health and safety of all individuals in our community is paramount and takes priority.
We have seen COVID-19 come to Boulder as of this evening. Following increased and overwhelming concerns the leadership of ICB felt this was the right decision.
It’s important for us to take all precautions at this time.

Please pray Duhr prayer on Fridays at your home or wherever you pray.

All classes, including the Islamic school for children, both adult Arabic alphabet classes, and all Quran and Sunnah classes will be suspended until further notice.

ICB WILL be open every day for the regular five daily prayers. If you choose to pray at the masjid please refer to Sheikh Shoaib for additional instruction when you arrive.

Stay safe and healthy everyone.

May Allah give each and every one of you health and a calm heart as we move through this together, Insha’Allah.
All the best,
ICB Shoura
ICB Executive Commitee
Sheikh Shoiab

Seerah Class | 6 – 7:30 PM | Mondays (Brothers) or Tuesdays (Sisters)

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

Brothers and Sisters of ICB,

As some of you may be aware, ICB offers a class about the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for the Sisters every other Tuesday from 6-7:30 PM.

Sheikh Shoaib is opening a class also regarding the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) for the brothers every other Monday from 6-7:30 PM. Since this class is new, the Sheikh will be starting from the beginning of prophet Muhammad’s life, discussing his actions and teachings throughout his life.

The next Sister’s class will take place tonight, June 11 at 6:00 PM

The first Brother’s class will take place next Monday, June 17 at 6:00 PM

Feel free to reach out regarding any details or if you have any questions or concerns.  You may contact Zaky Laouar at or Tracy Smith at

Don’t forget to bring a notebook and pen to get the most out of these classes!

The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “convey from me even a single verse.”

Jazakum Allahu Khaira

Eid ul Fitr on Tuesday 4rd June 2019

Eid ul Fitr will be on Tuesday 4rd June 2019, Insha Allah.
Eid Prayer will be at 8 AM at the Masjid.
We will have our Eid breakfast after the Eid prayer and Khutba.
This time breakfast will be provided by ICB with the help of a group of sisters. This will allow to make it more organized and avoid food wastage. So we kindly request people not to bring any food. Please join us with your families and have a good time.

Eid Mubarak

Eid-ul-Fitr Community event

Salaam Alaikum brothers and sisters!
Please join us for our annual ICB Community Eid-ul-Fitr celebration at Sunflower Farm in Longmont!
*Please RSVP on the Eventbrite invite below so we can get an accurate number for logistics*
(Confirm attendance and reserve spots for you and your family.)
Time – 1:30pm -4:30pm (June 9th)
Venue – Sunflower farms, Longmont Colorado———
11150 Prospect Rd, Longmont, CO 80504

****The Boulder Ironman on that day will be affecting traffic. Please see below for traffic impact before heading over to Longmont.…/bould…/spectators/traffic-impact.aspx

JZK ****

Ramadan starts Monday May 6th with Taraweeh starting Sunday night May 5th

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Assalamualaikum on behalf of Colorado Imam Council and Islamic Center of Boulder, كل عام و أنتم بخير
Ramadan starts Monday May 6th with Taraweeh starting Sunday night May 5th after Isha at the Islamic Center of Boulder.
May Allah bless you and accept from you and us all.

Boulder Shelter Volunteering 3/2/2019

In the spirit of community involvement, brothers and sisters of the ICB community continue to volunteer at the Boulder Shelter on a monthly basis for preparing and serving breakfast to our homeless brothers and sisters (First Saturday of every month). Allah SWT described the righteous in the Quran: “And they are those who give food – in spite of their own need , to the needy, and the orphan… [saying in their hearts],’We only feed you for the sake of God, and we desire nothing in return from you, not even a word of thanks’’”  (76:8-9).

If you are interested in participating, please coordinate with Imam Shoaib, or email us using the contact form. Inshallah if we have enough people that are interested, we can work with the Boulder Shelter in providing more opportunities to volunteer than just on a monthly basis.


Boulder Shelter Volunteering 2/2/2019

In the spirit of community involvement, brothers and sisters of the ICB community continue to volunteer at the Boulder Shelter on a monthly basis for preparing and serving breakfast to our homeless brothers and sisters (First Saturday of every month). Allah SWT described the righteous in the Quran: “And they are those who give food – in spite of their own need , to the needy, and the orphan… [saying in their hearts],’We only feed you for the sake of God, and we desire nothing in return from you, not even a word of thanks’’”  (76:8-9).

If you are interested in participating, please coordinate with Imam Shoaib, or email us using the contact form. Inshallah if we have enough people that are interested, we can work with the Boulder Shelter in providing more opportunities to volunteer than just on a monthly basis. 2/2/2019